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Birding tour Semuliki National Park is undoubtedly one of the amazing experiences not to be missed in 2022. Located in the remote side of Western Uganda, Semuliki National Park is with no doubt a strong hold of most interesting bird species especially the Albertine Rift endemic species. Over 441 bird species make Semuliki NP, Uganda safari park a true birder’s paradise and they range in its vast rain-forest and other habitats.

Spanning on 220sq.kms of land area, Semuliki NP is a home to almost 40% of the bird species in Uganda and about 66% of the forest birds that the Pearl of Africa boasts of. The Park’s birds include over 46 Guinea-Congo biome avifaunal species that thrive only in this particular part of East Africa and 35 of them exist in not more than 3 other sites in Uganda.

Birds of Semuliki NP, Uganda

The birds of Semuliki National Park, Uganda include the Nkulengu rail, red rumped tinker bird, shoebill stork, yellow throated nicator, crested malimbe, lyre tailed honeyguide, Sassi’s olive greenbul, Congo serpent eagle, swamp palm bulbul, Maxwell’s black weaver, piping hornbill, white crested hornbill African piculet, blue billed malimbe, orange cheeked waxbill, yellow throated cuckoo, leaf love, the ross’s turacos, red billed dwarf hornbill, the great blue turacos, red eyed puff back, red billed helmet shrike, black winged starling, long tailed hawk, black casqued wattled hornbill.

Other birds that make Semuliki NP one of Africa’s top birding spots include lemon bellied crombec, Ituri batis, fire crested alethe, double toothed barbet, white tailed robin chat, mountain greenbul, spotted greenbul, bates’s nightjar, Cassin’s spine tail, swamp nightjar, blue swallow, western bronze napped pigeon, forest francolins, red-thighed sparrow hawk, Gabon woodpecker, kingfishers, red sided broadbill and more.

Wildlife of Semuliki NP

Semuliki NP offers more than birding tours. The compact forest park shelters a range of unique wildlife including forest elephants, buffaloes, leopards, black and white colobus monkeys, grey cheeked mangabeys, chimpanzees, pygmy antelopes, vervet monkeys, red tailed monkeys, baboons, blue monkeys and more.

In addition to birding tours, Semuliki NP also has multiple safari activities for nature lovers to be part. They include game drives- both day and night game drives, nature walks, primate tracking, boat ride, visiting the Sempaya Hot Springs, cultural tour in the adjacent local community and others.

Best time to go birding tour Semuliki NP, Uganda

Birding tours in Semuliki NP can be done at any time of the year. In general, the best months to go birding are early June to September when the park experiences low or no rains. If your interest is spotting migratory birds November to April are the best months of the year to consider visiting Semuliki National Park for birding tour.

What to pack for Semuliki birding trip?

The essentials for your birding tour in Semuliki NP include field guide book, good walking/hiking boots, insect repellents, a bottled water, pair of binoculars, optics, a fully charged camera, safari hat, daypack, comfortable clothing and more.